Sunday, February 1, 2009


As for today's events, this idealist is TIRED--dog tired.

When my wife and I decided on opening up that health shop, we had the idea of relocating to a place that we thought was ideal: Port Shepstone. I have already expressed my sentiments about the "ideal" place that Port Shepstone is, so I will make do with what I have. If anything, let the place serve to be a stepping stone to actual ideals.

When we acted on the idea, we separated for some months by a distance of over 450 kilometres. Neither one of us liked that separation, but we deemed it temporary and necessary. In the meantime, my wife prepared to relocate HER business interests to where I was so that we could be together.

Today marks the close of that chapter of togetherness. In a bid to contain the economic losses sustained in last year's foiled attempt to launch the health shop successfully in Port Shepstone, my wife will begin cooping up in a little cottage midway between where we stay and her place of work. The stretch is some odd 110 kilometres. My wife has been driving this stretch every weekday and some Sundays from August 2008 to date. From the halfway point about which I speak, the road is crosses a provincial boundary. From a fairly well-maintained road, it narrows down considerably in width, winds through the most hazardous and haranguing of landscapes, meandering through hilly, forbidding terrain, with many a pothole plus lots of cattle and other domestic animals on the public thoroughfare. Some of the cattle appear to be two-legged as they walk right along the pathway created for vehicles, and walk in such a fashion as to seem oblivious to the vehicles that whizz by, unmindful of the highly likely possibility of being hit by one.

Cattle on the road! That's another story (if not several) for another day.

Suffice it to say that we have come full circle. We will be living separately AGAIN, indefinitely, until my less-than-ideal situation as the husband and father in this house is sorted out along economic lines. I would LOVE to contribute meaningfully to the family budget, and that is just not happening in these circumstances. Lord in heaven, hear our plea!

It could be the very thought of this impending separation, or it could be other factors, or a combination of all of these, but I am just drained. Even as I type this, I am overdue to be in bed, and here I go: off to bed.

One day, I should be able to sleep at 9:00 PM, consistently. In my ideal world.... In my ideal world.

O, well!

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